Pit & Fissure Sealants

Pit & Fissure Sealants

Pit & fissure sealants (also known as dental sealants) are an effective way to protect your teeth from tooth decay. This is a progressive disease that occurs when a mild acid eats away at the outer layer of your teeth. That outer layer is known as enamel. And these harmful acids are formed when sugars in the foods we eat mix with the bacteria in our mouths. 

If left untreated, a cavity will eventually appear. This is the hole that forms in your tooth as the decay works its way through the tooth structure. If you’re worried about long-term decay, dental sealants are certainly worth consideration. 
Pit & fissure sealants (also known as dental sealants) are an effective way to protect your teeth from tooth decay. This is a progressive disease that occurs when a mild acid eats away at the outer layer of your teeth. That outer layer is known as enamel. And these harmful acids are formed when sugars in the foods we eat mix with the bacteria in our mouths. 

If left untreated, a cavity will eventually appear. This is the hole that forms in your tooth as the decay works its way through the tooth structure. If you’re worried about long-term decay, dental sealants are certainly worth consideration. 

How do sealants work?

Double Tree Dental Centre has the expertise to safely provide patients with dental sealants. A sealant is a strong protective coating, which is applied to the teeth. All teeth have recesses (pits and fissures) on their biting surfaces. These grooves are most susceptible to tooth decay because food and bacteria can get stuck in them. That’s because they’re very difficult to clean, no matter how diligent your oral care routine may be. 

Dental sealants are placed in these pits, forming a hard shield. Thus food and bacteria are unable to get into these grooves and cause decay. 

Here are some other points to consider: 

  • Sealants are applied only to the back teeth, which include the molars and premolars
  • Typically last many years, but our dentists will check regularly to ensure they’re still intact
  • Application is painless and does not require any drilling or numbing medications

When should sealants be applied?

Dental sealants are mainly used in children who are at higher risk of tooth decay. The protective coating is applied as soon as the first permanent teeth poke through. This usually occurs between 6 and 7 years of age. 

The team at Double Tree is qualified in pediatric dentistry. We will conduct a thorough evaluation of your child’s teeth to determine whether they have pits and fissures. It’s important to note that not all teeth with deep recesses will require sealing. After our assessment, we will recommend if sealant is necessary. Ultimately, the decision is up to the parent. But you’ll know if the procedure is urgently required if the grooves are readily visible on the surface of the back teeth. 

Adults can also benefit from dental sealants. But this protective coating can only be applied to molars and premolars that do not have fillings, and are not already affected by tooth decay. Don’t forget that good brushing habits are still crucial. But now, the smooth, sealed surfaces will be much easier to keep clean. 
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